Into A River I Plunged My Soul

Into a river I plunged my soul
With a hope to wash her sin
Forgot that it had a giant hole
As I watched it drown within

35 thoughts on “Into A River I Plunged My Soul

  1. I got this email 3 days ago, and I thought maybe it would help you. Random blogger. Take care.

    Instead of being consumed by a hurtful past, I want to focus on a brighter future. — Jesus, I Need You
    Devotionals Daily
    The Mess I Make… and a Brighter Future

    from Jesus, I Need You, a new devotional from Zondervan

    Let God’s light shine through you

    Editor’s note: Have you written a letter to Jesus? Or cried out a prayer for help? Do you have conversations with Him regularly? This new devotional, Jesus, I Need You, is a collection of prayers to Jesus, written as letters, that will inspire you to have unwavering faith in any circumstance, in every season. Each letter is followed by a short devotional and encouraging message. We pray that this inspires you to write a letter to Jesus this week – He longs to hear from you!

    What a Mess

    Dear Jesus,

    I’ve made a mess of things. I’ve said and done things without seeking Your will. Now I’ve made everything so much worse. The situation was not mine; it was hers to work through. My intentions were good, Jesus. I stepped in wanting to help, but I went about it all wrong. I betrayed her confidence, shared her secret, and brought someone else into a private situation. I gave advice that was unsolicited, unwanted, and wrong. Now I am suffering from a broken relationship and a guilty conscience. Jesus, I have asked her for forgiveness, and now I ask for Yours. Please forgive me for not turning to You for guidance. Forgive me for barging into a situation that was private between You and her. Forgive me for thinking that I knew how to help better than You.

    Please, Jesus, take this sin and guilt away from me. And thank You for forgiving me.

    Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. — Isaiah 1:18

    It’s so important to talk to God about solving a problem before you dive in. Acting impulsively — even with good intentions — can lead to a mess. But mercy and forgiveness are wonderful parts of God’s grace. When you’ve done something wrong, run to Him instead of away from Him. Is there something you need to be forgiven for? Psalm 51 is David’s plea for forgiveness. How does it echo your own needs?


    Brighter Future

    Dear Jesus,

    It’s so easy to let myself be haunted by the past. Old memories of not-so-good times swirl around in my mind. Why is it so hard to let go? I have forgiven past transgressions, but I haven’t forgotten. Perhaps I never will. Lord, help me at least to set them aside and not dwell on them.

    You’ve forgiven my sins, and You want me to forgive the sins of others. I think I’ve done that, but the pain remains. I still hurt. Heal me, Lord. I want to let go. Instead of being consumed by a hurtful past, I want to focus on a brighter future.

    Today, I will turn my thoughts toward You and what lies ahead. And whenever the past rises up to haunt me, I will send it away with thoughts of Your good plans for me. Jesus, open the door to my future today. Hold my hand, and help me to walk through the door with You.

    Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. — Philippians 3:13

    Yesterday’s pain serves only to dim Christ’s light today. Give past hurts to Him, and allow His light to shine brightly in your heart. Ask Jesus to heal your wounds and set you on the path to an abundant future. Read Romans 5:3-5. How might God be using past hurts to shape you for His abundant life? What signs of that abundant life do you see blooming in your life today?

    Excerpted with permission from Jesus, I Need You copyright Zondervan.

    * * *

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    Your Turn

    Lord, thank You for forgiving us of our sins, the harm we’ve done to others, the ways we’ve missed the mark and failed to be Christlike. Help us to relate carefully and prayerfully to honor those You love. We need You. And when old stories of shame come whispering at us again, help us to remember that You came to bring us life and life to the full! Help us to lay down our hurts and receive the good You have planned for us. Come share your thoughts on our blog. We would love to hear from you! ~ Devotionals Daily

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    What if you could write a letter to Jesus when you need His guidance?

    With Jesus, I Need You, find vulnerable prayers written as letters to Jesus that will inspire you to have unwavering faith, no matter what circumstances you face.

    Whether you’re experiencing a season of heartache or a season of joy, a time of questioning or a time of deep gratitude, the vulnerable prayers featured throughout will meet you where you are.

    With space for journaling, Jesus, I Need You will quiet your mind and heart as you discover the Lord’s faithfulness and loving kindness.

    Covering topics such as gratitude, stress, grace, disappointment, wisdom, and faith, find the comfort and celebration you seek as you ground your faith in the Savior who can be trusted in all circumstances.

    With a dedication page, ribbon-marker, and a beautiful cloth-like hardcover, this book is a perfect gift for those seeking daily conversation with Jesus.

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