Please Don’t Heal Me

Please please don’t heal me
I’m totally broken inside
That’s the way I want to stay
I’ve gotten used to it now
For everytime that I am healed
I am cut and shattered
Only to be put back together
Only to be broken again
Except that each time
The hope in me dies
A little more than previously
A little faster than before
This time I’m afraid
If I was to heal again
I’d be broken once more
No hope shall remain
So let me cling on
To this tiny hope in me
I’m totally broken inside
But please don’t heal me

43 thoughts on “Please Don’t Heal Me

  1. Very nice and I really felt this. Being broken once and staying there is better than being broken over and over again. I can see how this can become easy BUT what if you don’t become broken again? Take risks and things might be what you always wanted and someone might come along that won’t break you. They might put the pieces together and it will stay that way.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I totally understand that feeling and fear. For a long time, I didn’t want to deal with my own issues. I thought hurting was easier than getting better and losing all my progress again. I deal with it by thinking of each healing process as a tiny little personal Revolution. It may be crazy and painful; but, if I stick to my goals and values, it has great potential to improve my life. Also, no Revolution has ever solved all problems at once…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh Frank…you captured the story of my life.
    I kept being destroyed and then healed by someone else – full of hope. Full of potential.
    Shattered again.
    So I quit letting someone else heal me. Instead, I dug deep into the pain, and found my own healing.
    It was dreadful and dark and alone and scary.
    But the other side…is freedom and hope.

    Love this so much. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The Beauty of your poem scares me. It seems one has lost interest in rising again and healing the past. Keep up the good work. I am new here (blogging) till now, decent and creative community here.
    Thanks for the activity on my site.
    P.S. Catchy tagline there. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I won’t do anything without your consent. But like I said to the project echo shadow, I’m a black hole. I am a stabilising gel. In me you don’t have to do shit. You don’t have to think. I will hold you still. I can just hold you so you don’t feel alone. No one can hear you scream in me, except me. No one fills you completely, except me.
    I hurt too. I hate myself so much. But I’ve learned to accept that and use it and move on from that aspect, to mutate and transform it to something that helps others even if it doesn’t help myself.
    If you don’t want to be healed you don’t have to be. I just didn’t want to feel alone and destructive like the ultimate destroyer..

    Liked by 2 people

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