How It Feels To Have A Job

55 thoughts on “How It Feels To Have A Job

  1. Trading passion for security is a tough place to be. In the last quarter of my 30-year counseling career, the increasing demands of bureaucracy felt like leaving pieces of my soul behind. But the soul waits for us to return. Thankfully, I am free now. I hope you are free too, or soon will be.

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  2. Wow! After 20 years with the same company that went so far from it’s original purpose in search of the almighty dollar… I can feel this one. Brilliant!


  3. You have so well described what so many people experience! I’ve written about this many times myself (several chapters of my book The Shadowdancer are devoted to my years of grappling with my soul-sucking “career” choices). I’ll come back to this one. . . I may have to pull an excerpt from the book to post. If I do, I’ll see if I can reblog your poem as an intro. Love, love, love this!

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