118 thoughts on “Is This World An Illusion?

  1. Reblogged this on Honor the Sanctity of Thy Liberty and commented:
    A Purpose is why God brought you into this life? Although I myself had to admit it…every trial…tribulation…every loss…when like everyone; we missed many marks…each act…thought…experience ~ brings forth the purpose, throwing it asunder seemingly lost beneath the ocean’s waves ~ yet another divine lesson… brought a comrade whom reached out thy hand ~ wiping sand revealing a great man. Such small deeds – some to grow…some will take away one’s aglow ~ now it’s humanity… where purpose is sketched ~ how we serve…ever so selflessly…can make dark broken souls sprout roses and rainbows. …ever so thoughtlessly ~ hearts, families, hopes and the what once was…can be forever lost in one of Mom’s worn down sheds. Even so…Go…Rage into the Light…bravely enter that dark night…make a wish…look up look up…see the stars??? forgetting the purpose …we walk into weeping waves…sudden sight keeps a heart warm…that shiney Sun of a gun…whispers…remember the stars?…they took our scars…righteous thieves in the night…what was wrong…what is right…dissipate…aided by galactic stargates ~ created to break apart hate. There’s a garden…see it there? wait…wasn’t moms worn down shed /./ …. SMILING…finally…SMILING. See… I told you, that night we laid laughing, telling stories, you just 3 & me…of the future – nice things mom would bring… she with butterflies found lost hopes, hearts and our families…They are right there…In that garden – for all of us to share; Purpose will always be fluttering & flying free as a butterfly…just being safe…she planted it in the garden… so we’d always have it…that…no one can take…so let’s go back to the place…just kids laughing…so silly these things
    …Nishkama (Inspired by Frank)

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  2. A Purpose is why God brought you into this life? Although I myself had to admit it…every trial…tribulation…every loss…when like everyone; we missed many marks…each act…thought…experience ~ brings forth the purpose, throwing it asunder seemingly lost beneath the ocean’s waves ~ yet another divine lesson… brought a comrade whom reached out thy hand ~ wiping sand revealing a great man. Such small deeds – some to grow…some will take away one’s aglow ~ now it’s humanity… where purpose is sketched ~ how we serve…ever so selflessly…can make dark broken souls sprout roses and rainbows. …ever so thoughtlessly ~ hearts, families, hopes and the what once was…can be forever lost in one of Mom’s worn down sheds. Even so…Go…Rage into the Light…bravely enter that dark night…make a wish…look up look up…see the stars??? forgetting the purpose …we walk into weeping waves…sudden sight keeps a heart warm…that shiney Sun of a gun…whispers…remember the stars?…they took our scars…righteous thieves in the night…what was wrong…what is right…dissipate…aided by galactic stargates ~ created to break apart hate. There’s a garden…see it there? wait…wasn’t moms worn down shed /./ …. SMILING…finally…SMILING. See… I told you, that night we laid laughing, telling stories, you just 3 & me…of the future – nice things mom would bring… she with butterflies found lost hopes, hearts and our families…They are right there…In that garden – for all of us to share; Purpose will always be fluttering & flying free as a butterfly…just being safe…she planted it in the garden… so we’d always have it…that…no one can take…so let’s go back to the place…just kids laughing…so silly these things
    …Nishkama (Inspired by Frank)

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  3. Hi Frank! Thanks for stopping by http://www.thelittleredwagonblog.wordpress.com and liking my post https://thelittleredwagonblog.wordpress.com/2017/04/16/saturday-silent-dark-cold
    I posted the follow up to this post here’s the link if you are interested! https://thelittleredwagonblog.wordpress.com/2017/04/17/sunday-wonder-light-joy
    Your posts are intriguing…seems like you are searching for meaning in life! Feel free to contact me via the contact page on my blog if you want to dialogue further. May God be your light and shine the path that leads to life!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. As I careen toward the Grim Reaper, I’ve done much soul-searching on the what’s and why’s of life and whether it’s all just a cruel joke. I have no children, no legacy so to speak. Your words are honest and thought provoking. Reading other’s responses lets me know I’m not alone.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Edgar Winter wrote the song “Dying to Live”:

    You know I’ve heard it said there’s beauty in distortion
    By some people who’ve withdrawn to find their heads
    Now they say that there is humor in misfortune
    You know I wonder if they’ll laugh when I am dead

    Why am I fighting to live if I ‘m just living to fight?
    Why am I trying to see when there ain’t nothing in sight?
    Why am I trying to give when no one gives me a try?
    Why am I dying to live if I’m just living to die?

    Hey, you know some people say that values are subjective
    But they’re just speaking words that someone else has said
    And so they live and fight and kill with no objective
    Sometimes it’s hard to tell the living from the dead

    Why am I fighting to live if I ‘m just living to fight?
    Why am I trying to see when there ain’t nothing in sight?
    Why am I trying to give when no one gives me a try?
    Why am I dying to live if I’m just living to die?

    Yeah, you know I used to weave my words into confusion
    And so I hope you’ll understand me when I ‘m through
    You know I used to live my life as an illusion
    But reality will make my dreams come true

    So I’ll keep fighting to live till there’s no reason to fight
    And I’ll keep trying to see until the end is in sight
    You know I’m trying to give so c’mon give me a try
    You know I’m dying to live until I’m ready
    ’til I’m ready
    ’til I’m ready
    ’til I’m ready to die.

    I can’t say it better. “You know I’m dying to live until I’m ready to die.”

    God has shown me that this world is real, that this would has pain and sorrow, and joy and happiness. This would has love and hate. It is an imperfect world but made for God’s perfect purpose. Unfortunately for us, God’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts :

    Let the wicked forsake his way And the unrighteous man his thoughts; And let him return to the LORD, And He will have compassion on him, And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts.… Isiah 55: 7-9

    We are not expected to understand everything. Our purpose is to be Christ on earth despite the fact that we don’t understand everything. We are to strive to be Holy:

    …But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do, for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” Since you call on a Father who judges each man’s work impartially, live your lives in reverent fear during your temporary stay on earth.… 1Peter 1: 15-17.

    There are are lies. Satan is the father of lies. He will tell you that because every question cannot be answered, there must be no truth, no God, no heaven, no hell. But, there is truth. Jesus Christ is the Truth, the Way and the Life:

    Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14: 6.

    Seek to understand Jesus and the truth will be revealed to you. The path is not easy:

    In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. 2Timothy 3:12

    Satan is ruler of this world:

    Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God. 2Corinthians 4:4

    So you will be persecuted by Satan getting in your head and trying to get you to believe the lies of the world. You will be persecuted by those of this world whose minds are deluded by Satan.

    I encourage you to take the difficult path, follow Jesus. His burden is light:

    For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:30.

    But light only in the sense that He does not require that you follow many laws like the Jews had to follow.

    Jesus only had 2 “laws” or commandments:

    36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

    37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matther 22: 36-40

    So, Jesus’ burden was light but he warned that His followers would be persecuted. So while Jesus’ requirements are light, to follow Him will result in persecution by Satan and the world. Still, He is the way to truth and to life everlasting. So the difficult path is the one path worth taking through this hurting and hurtful world. In Jesus there is no distortion, there is reality, beauty, truth and joy. So we are not here just to die. We are here to be Christ in this world, to shine His light in the darkness.

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  6. What puzzles me the most about the world is that we know where we are- but we really don’t. We are on Earth. We are in Space. But where is Space? Where is the location universe? Where actually are we?

    Liked by 5 people

  7. Wondering if life has any purpose is awful. I remember the gut-deep emptiness of it. I would encourage you to ask God to show you what your purpose is, to show you what’s true, to show you what you were made for.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. The same questions baffle me every now and then. Everyday is the day spent searching for the true purpose. But we are here , that means we have a purpose. We may not have a clue now but when we do, these questions will be answered on their own…

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  9. The knowlege of our existance is a challenge! It is named existencial existence!

    Some people like Hitler, Castro in Cuba, Mahatma Ghandi, Jesus can clearly tell you their purpose of their existance! The vulgaris hommo cannot! Unless, they somehow become illuminated!

    Nice poem! It address an issue mot easy to answer!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. It is difficult enough to explore the right answers. But, according to me. We are here to be someone but to be SOMEONE. One of the Swami Vivekanand’s teaching taught me to do great work before you die. If you are not able to leave a mark then your life is worthless.

    Liked by 4 people

  11. It’s easy to let the dark thoughts slide in sometimes, with a ‘what’s the point?’ focus, especially as we get older. For me, I like the idea that maybe at the end, the soul theory is real, that perhaps there is some adventure to be had after death, it’s a nice idea for sure. Growing yourself, being the director, living the experience, observing what happens – like it’s an unwritten story. My attempts at self-improvement make my life more purposeful in the meantime, whether that has any bearing on some kind of after-life existence or not.. . The point is, none of us really knows what the point is. Life is chaos, so I just keep trying to master it somehow. And have fun while I’m trying 🙂

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  12. So fitting for how I am feeling right now..
    I feel that everything I have grown to know has been a fake illusion, one that I cannot escape! Our whole lives are turning upside down and it’s liberating and terrifying at the same time.

    I feel that we are born for a purpose but that’s just my personal feeling. Up until a year ago I thought we just lived and died but now I think it is so much more!

    X love this post ❤️

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I’m interested in this concept that we have a purpose. Can you elaborate on what those feelings are, that make you think there is a purpose? I ask because it’s interesting that you previously didn’t think there was a purpose, that we lived and just died.

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      1. The past year my whole thinking has changed. I didn’t believe there was anything more than this life! I’ve felt misunderstood my whole life, and yearned for something to complete me. I tried filling the void with bad relationships, drugs, food lol… Tried everything to run away and not deal with shit. It was only in the depths of mental suffering that I started to realise I was more than this! I began yoga and mindfulness meditation to deal to ease anxiety and depression, and I do not know how, but I know that I have a soul now! I am awake and cannot go back to sleep again! Scary but amazing. I previously had no faith, and I don’t follow a religion. But I know this is just the beginning and love and accept myself fully, for the first time in my life!! So proud to say that ❤️ What are your thoughts?

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      2. Now that I am feeling this way, I feel that my purpose is to help people overcome self hatred so that they can understand that there is a lot more to us that our mind and body! We must be kind to ourselves ❤️ self acceptance and love is the key ❤️

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      1. you know that’s the beauty of this place.. sometimes, what I have never imagined comes to me through souls around me.. like you just answered the question that I had.. what you said just provoked me to realize the answers to come to me naturally.. this is beautiful and I want to thank you for taking out time to enlighten me on the subject..

        Liked by 1 person

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