My Greatest Friend

Today, I found an old friend

I had forgotten him over the years

It had been such a long time

Couldn’t hold back the tears

We grew up together

Went to the same school

Laughed away our childhood

And danced like fools

We had common interests

And I know that we still do

We write all sorts of rhymes

And he likes football too

He knows my flaws and fears

And I know his very well

There is no better friend than him

Between heaven and hell

I felt bad for I had forgotten

How valuable he was to me

My hunting days are over

A friend is what I like to be

And I promised him that I will remember

To never bid him goodbye

It washes away all my pains

My greatest friend is I

76 thoughts on “My Greatest Friend

  1. This made me cry . When I moved back to my home state I wrote a letter and mailed it in a Christmas card to a woman that I went to 6th grade on with she was in my 1st wedding and my daughter is her God child and am the godmother to her son.

    When we stopped seeing each other an ex ran them off and made me. He didn’t want me to have friends . She wrote me back the most hateful letter with some things she believed I had done but had not. My sister did. I cleared it up but she doesn’t want to be my friend. I was and I am still upset .

    I have to respect her and I will not contact her again. But I grieve for the loss. I will never let anyone interfere with a friendship again.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nothing better than finding yourself again. It’s like coming home. Love this one. And I’m so happy for you because I know this feeling of losing yourself and finding it again. It’s kinda worth the pain of it when you are reunited again.

    Liked by 2 people

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