An Angel Fell From The Sky #13/13

Right in the center of the village

Reaching up to the skies above

With rungs made of hearts and prayers

Stood the ladder of love

Waved goodbye to the village folks

The angel, then, looked up at the sky

Like a sign, a light shone down

A tear dropped from her eye

Her mind was full of joyful thoughts

She couldn’t hold back the smile

The climbing had just begun

Heaven was still a while

Mrs. Dawson and Mrs. Jones

Little Jack and his mother, Joe and Coleen

The entire village would miss the angel

For the journey it had been

The light shone brighter as the angel got closer

To the place that she calls home

Where her friends, lay in waiting

Seven fairies and a gnome

When she reached the sacred place

Her wings grew right back

She didn’t need to climb any ladder anymore

Or place her feet on any track

When she reached the sacred place

The first thing that she did see

Was neither the Goddess of Love

Nor her very own family

Neither the garden where the flowers bloomed

Nor the gnome or fairies, seven

The first thing that she did see was

The cursed couple dancing in heaven

As true as hell below and heaven above

There is no greater story than a story of love

As true as the angels sing in the heavens above

There is no greater story than a story of love

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